Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Journey thus far

It has been one of the most interesting journeys I have ventured on since beginning my degree. There has been frustration towards digital technologies that has been fathomless. Throughout Managing e.Learning evidence of my Digital Immigrant status has been proven time and time again, although I must say this: "Never give up never surrender".

Mastering digital technology is achievable and attainable. My thoughts are that perhaps if there was less of a time constraint, the frustrations about navigating through the course activities and assessment may have been less. With the frustrations, it must be mentioned, have come moments of victory that have left me speechless, pumping my fist in the air, or even brought me to tears. It has been interesting to say the least. Stretching the boundaries of my learning and understanding has certainly enlightened me to the way new students must feel, or students with English as their second language experience as they experience new environments, culture and education structures. Initially there is fear and trepidation, and with experiences such as victories and losses alike, certainly a deeper understanding, and may I say respect, is achieved.

Experiences are not all enjoyable although many can be profitable to varying degrees. As my journey continues to different courses for the next few years, I will reflect on my learning in my blog.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Student Centred Learning

There is definately a great deal of importance in student centered learning. The Relate-Create-Donate concept (Kearsley & Shneiderman, ) is a great argument for engaging students in their learning journey. Learning has to be related to real life concepts or ideas and this in turn generates interest and engagement by the learner. Having learners then create for assessment or for enjoyment further defines the learning journey and comprehension of the task.

As Learning Managers, focus needs to be on making learning fun, interesting, engaging and real. What I have learnt through my own journey is that as I lay my hands on to different technologies and programs, I have greater understanding of how and why these technologies benefit. The challenge therefore is when and how to implement this learning into the classroom, making it real and pertinent to the learner, making assessment purposeful and importantly making it fun.

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. [electronic version] Retrieved August 12, 2009 from