Not all students will have access to technologies such as ipods, computers, iphones, or even the internet so we must modify the learning experiences to suit. Prensky (2005) aruges that we need to make education and learning engaging, and that students of today already have access to technologies. He continues to ask the question "Where is the programming, the genomics, the
bioethics, the nanotech—the stuff of their time? It’s not there."
Therefore, how do we further engage students who have no technology in their lives because of the socio economics? We can also bring Mazlow's Theory into play. What happens when we have students in our classrooms that don't have a shelter or have food everyday? Extreme as this may sound it still happens.
So where to from here? Managing diversity within the classroom not only from culture, language, socio economics or technology is of paramount importance. According to the Department of Education and the Arts Inclusive Statement (2004):
"Inclusive education ensures that schools are supportive and engaging places for all students, teachers and caregivers. It is about building communities that vlaue, celebrate and respond to diversity. It is underpinnned by respectful relationships between learners, teacher and caregivers. It is about shaping the scoiety in whch we live and the type of society to which we aspire."
I was unable to download Google Earth, although I could download a podcast, I was unable to present to a class as I am not doing a Portal Task, although I was able to upload powerpoints, photos, create a wiki, a blog, an avatar and all the other requirements for my elearning. This is where I believe that I am part of the diversity due to abilities, or understanding, or to my own available technologies. Therefore, as a Digital Immigrant, I am very aware of the diversity that introducing technologies can impact on ones learning and will endeavour to take these experiences with me into the classroom.
Department of Education, Training and the Arts, (2006). Inclusive education policies. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives digital immigrants. [electronic version] On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001)
Prensky, M. (2005). Engage me or engrage me: What today's learners demand. [electronic copy]
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